Ulta Pulta
Job hopping
Jaspal Bhatti

In the good old days, a man spent his life working with one company and retired from that company. Today it is a different scenario altogether. Professionals are changing jobs every four to five years. If an employee is competent, he is soon lapped up by a rival concern with double the salary and perks. And if the employee is inept and useless, he is thrown out of the company.

If the trend continues, people are going to change their jobs every month. A time will come when a person will be working for different companies before and after lunch.

Lucky are those who do not have to worry about working or looking for the right job. One such lucky man Anil was strolling on the road when his friend spotted him. "What are you doing here?"

Anil replied sadly, "I didn’t think I would fall on such bad times. My wife had a wonderful job and I had absolutely no need to work." So the friend asked him what had happened now.

Anil said, "My wife lost her job and now she has threatened me that I should find a job". The friend said, "So now you are looking for a new job?" "No", Anil said, "I’m looking for a new wife."