Making Common cause

Pankaj Kapoor in Naya Office Office
Pankaj Kapoor in Naya Office Office

IT has created a record of winning the maximum number of awards for a comedy. For years, it was the channel driver for Sab TV. And now Office Office, rechristened Naya Office Office is all set to push up the TRPs of Star One every Friday at 8.30 pm.

Much of the credit for its popularity goes to Pankaj Kapoor whose brilliant sense of comedy has infused a timeless quality to a serial that revolves around a common man’s travails against a corrupt bureaucracy.

Kapoor plays Mussadilal the common Indian who gets the wrong end of the stick whenever he has to deal with public servants. Whether at a police station, water or electricity departments every official is out to exploit the defenceless ordinary man.

In case you missed this satire on Sab TV here’s your chance to see it on Star One. The serial touches the heart and brings out the black humour even as the common Indian sees the entire system collapsing around him.

Monroe lives on

Legends never die. Nor do the controversies surrounding them. Ever since she committed suicide 44 years ago, there have been speculations about Marilyn Monroe’s death. Films, TV shows, books and articles have all expounded theories about how she died and the people who shaped and influenced her life — and death.

Monroe’s autopsy report has been dissected for decades. Though the coroner concluded that she died from an overdose of pills, no residue of pills was found in her stomach.

Some believe that her body had been moved after death. Others point to discoloration of the colon as evidence of a toxic enema—a tactic reportedly used by the CIA.

Those who firmly believe she died as a result of a nefarious conspiracy, whether linked to the Kennedys or not, may never be satisfied with the public version of events.

Watch the Death of Marilyn Monroe on History Channel on Saturday July 29 at 5 pm for answers to one of the most tantalising deaths of the twentieth century. —NF