Saturday, June 24, 2006

Karuna Goswamy


1. Famous playwright of ancient Greece

6. — Boleyn, Queen Elizabeth’s mother

8. The garden of Adam and Eve

11. Jafar Ali Khan —, Urdu poet

12. Evil

13. The laser used in cataract surgery

14. Our very own land

17. Bali’s wife in the Ramayana

19. A god of ancient European mytholgy

21. Leader of the Italian war independence


2. Ritual vessel

3. "Beware of the — of March!"

4. Thought, concept

5. Was fashioned out of Adam’s rib

6. Church figure in Christianity

7. Low point

9. Tree spirit

10. Famous lake in Kashmir

15. Prophet in the Islamic tradition

16. Small very tiny part

18. — Gardner, hollywood beauty

20. How our land is also known as