Blogger’s handbook
Kannan Shastri

Blog Wild!
by Andy Wibbels.
Nicholas Brealey Publishing.
Pages 174. Rs 195.

Andy Wibbels aims at simplifying the concept of the Web log, or blog, as it is called in cyberspeak. Andy manages to take a topic, which could easily be termed "geek-speak", and present it in such a way that the average reader can absorb, and more importantly, enjoy exploring it.

The book offers a fast-paced approach to creating and using blogs for the novice, and also makes for an entertaining read. Andy first explains what a blog is, and then tells us how to go about starting one of your own and promoting it. He keeps it simple yet witty, and by the time you realise it, you’re familiar with the blog basics.

The book then tells you how blogs fit into the overall "big picture", and how you can leverage the power of "click-publish" to create an online awareness for your business. He gives you an insight into business blogs, and how they can be usefully applied to startup ventures, product launches or someone working on writing his own book.

The text is interspersed with case studies and real-world accounts of people who have used blogs successfully. These accounts actually get you thinking on how you can use blogging effectively to suit your needs. Website references are also liberally used, so when you start hands-on, there is enough material you can look at and get a feel of what you’ve been reading.

Once you get a low-down on what blogs are and what they can do for you, the book moves on to a step-by-step walkthrough of how to set up your own blog on, a popular blogging platform. It covers creating and setting up the blog, and also the various features—you can customise and manage your blog. While the how-tos are specific to the Typepad platform, they are so simply put that you can apply them to any other blog platform of your choice.

The text is worded in a crisp, ready-reckoner format, so you can keep it on your desk for reference as you go trotting in the blogosphere. Andy’s style of writing is racy and quick, so the new blogger is able to grasp the concepts without getting intimidated or bogged down by technical details.

The good thing about Blogwild! is that it is concise enough for you to read and put into action almost immediately, and at the same time, detailed enough for you to understand the why-what-where of blogging.

Whether you are new to blogging, or want to move from personal blogging to business blogging, or are familiar with blogs but short of ideas on how to make them work for you, BlogWild! is a must-read.