
THE deal comes from Famous Bridge Records, written by myself and Nikos Sarantakos and just published in the Cassell’s Master Bridge series. If you want to know the fewest points on which anyone has ever made 3NT, 4S, 5C, 6D, 6NT, or 7C, this book has the record-breaking deals. The biggest penalties, the most doubles in an auction, the most doubled overtricks... all the records are included and there is an index at the back. This deal holds the record for the highest contracts where both sides of one team play in the same suit and one contract actually makes. Brulleman easily made 7H redoubled for a score of 2940. Can you guess the contract at the other table? The Belgian West played in 4H doubled! East opened 4C, intended as natural. West alerted the bid as artificial, showing a good 4H opening, and responded 4H. North doubled and East felt ethically obliged to pass since partner’s alert had given him unauthorised information. A penalty of 2900 resulted and there was only a 1-IMP swing. On another deal from the book the North-South and East-West pairs of the Estonian team both played in 6C!

What should you say now on those West cards?


A rebid of 3C would not do justice to your hand. Nor is a manufactured rebid of 3D satisfactory. The best idea is to bid 2S, the opponent’s suit, to show a strong hand. Some players will tell you that this agrees hearts as trumps. There is no sense in that, since you can rebid 3H or 4H with heart support, or make a splinter bid of 3S or 4D. You need one bid to show a strong hand with no natural bid to make.

AWARDS: 2S-10, 4C-6, 3C-4.

David Bird — Knight Features