ulta pulta
Chickened out
Jaspal Bhatti

WE had some unexpected guests. Since children had their examinations, we didn’t want to entertain them for dinner. As I was thinking of some excuse to get rid of them, my wife announced the dinner. I was wondering what was she up to. But as she said, "Bhinder Saab, I have made special chicken curry today", the husband and wife, scared with thoughts of getting affected by the avian flu, quickly got up and excused themselves.

Earlier, those who were ardent fans of ‘tandoori chicken’ could be seen queuing up for ‘tawa’ vegetables in marriage parties. Courtesy the bird flu scare, vegetarian sections have been doing good business while non-vegetarian areas bear a deserted look. Bhinder Sahib has decided to reduce the shagun at a wedding from Rs 500 to Rs 250 keeping in mind the forced ‘vegetarianism’.

The other day at a party, I met two businessmen standing in one corner. One of them looked quite upbeat and cracking one joke after another. The other fellow looked dejected. He was not even smiling at the jokes. Later I came to know that the happy-go-merry person was a dairy farm owner. The other guy was a poultry owner.

A man down with depression asked a doctor, "Dr Sahib, I had chicken at a party yesterday. Today I’m not feeling well. I think I have caught bird flu". After a thorough examination, the doctor reassured him saying that there was nothing to worry. "But you should avoid having chicken these days".

The man said, "I couldn’t avoid it. I am in the Animal Husbandry Department and I had to eat chicken at a Press conference to build confidence among the people."