Saturday, February 25, 2006

Karuna Goswamy


4. Wheat is one kind, so is rice

6. Holder of a knighthood

8. Capital city of our neighbouring country

11. Van-like box in which most freight is carried by ships these days

16. Bind; fasten

17. Delicious; inviting


1. The monkey king who was killed by Rama

2. You hear this in an opera

3. Italian city where a tower leans

5. What conventional pens have

7. Tear down; demolish

9. Narrow, elongated groove; aperture

10. A degree much coveted (inits.)

12. Egg of a louse, often found in hair

13. A kind of small, dabbling duck

14. Organization of progressive playwrights and theatre persons in India (inits.)

15. Overwhelming defeat
