Saturday, February 11, 2006

Karuna Goswamy


1. Steven Spielberg’s celebrated film

3. Masterwork of Thomas Hardy

5. The little thing that troubled the princess in the fairy tale

6. Tribal group in northeastern India

8. Substance that soothes

10. Weapon shot from a bow

12. “Adam’s __” starred Katherine Hepburn

13. Great Imam of the Shias

14. Not now; after some time

17. Cain’s brother in the Testament

18. Impost; levy

19. There is a Wednesday that bears this name

20. ____ Smith, father figure of Economics

21. Units of electrical resistance


1. One of Vishnu’s many names

2. Stout pole used for masts

3. Famous monastery in Himachal

4. Living together of two organisms

7. Clark ___, dashing Hollywood hero

9. Conscious; having knowledge

11. Quickly leaves a sinking ship

15. Shah___, Mughal emperor

16. Reflected, repeated sound