Facing a redouble, the standard action on the South cards is to rebid in front of partner only when your opening is minimum. Here South had considerable playing strength and should have passed for the moment. On to the play. How would you tackle 6S when West leads the king of clubs? Declarer won with the ace and returned the ten of clubs to the jack. West, who had noted his partner’s high-low in clubs, played a third club. Declarer ruffed with the king, to prevent an overruff, and East threw a diamond. A diamond ruff was followed by the ace of trumps, West showing out. To make the contract now, declarer had to score all the trumps in both hands. He crossed to the queen of hearts and ruffed another diamond. The king and ace of hearts were followed by yet another diamond from dummy. East held 9-8-6 of trumps to South’s J-10-7. East ruffed in with the 9, but declarer overruffed, returned to dummy by ruffing his last club with the queen and led another diamond towards the 10-7 of trumps. Slam made! What would you say now on the West cards? Answer A double of a three-bid suggests around 15 points or more and you therefore have enough to attempt a game. Rather than guess which major to bid, you should respond 4D. This bid in the enemy suit means ‘I have enough for game but would like you to choose the suit.’ Awards: 4D (fourth suit) - 10, 4S/4H - 6, 3S/3H - 3. David Bird — Knight Features |