CROSSWORD Karuna Goswamy Across 2. Great teller of fables 6. _____i-Akbari, Abul Fazl’s great work 7. Perception like telepathy, etc. (inits.) 8. Irritate; make fun of 11. Land official in Mughal India 12. Short form of crocodile 13. Do they really come from the outer world? (inits.) 14. Frog-like creature 16. Indian anti-terrorist Act (inits.) 18. Cut off; disconnect 20. Hawaiian wreath of flowers 21. Cobbler’s tool 22. To be of use or advantage Down 1. Large, very large spider 2. Opposed to 3. Like a health resort in Europe 4. Equal 5. Great sight; display 9. Avoid; quickly escape 10. Extent or range of view 15. Our continent on this earth 17. Not written 19. ____Veneto, fashionable street in Rome Solved