Saturday, September 10, 2005

Karuna Goswamy


1. In a state of agitation or tumult

6. King Harsha’s court poet

8. Russian ruler of the past

11. A reclusive Christian group in Pennsylvania

12. Shake head in agreement

13. Sir Syed’s university (inits.)

14. Great teller of fables

17. To gain as due return

19. Despatch

21. Spiritual movement to which Annie Besant belonged


2. The only superpower now left (inits.)

3. Stoker, creator of Dracula

4. A great many; great deal

5. Training ground for Indian soldiers (inits.)

6. Bout of excessive indulgence

7. Kamaraj____. Tamil leader

9. Form; appearance

10. Circular or spherical in shape

15. Combining form, meaning ‘within’

16. How Rajneesh is referred to

18. What fire often leaves behind

20. Classic drama of Japan
