Saturday, August 20, 2005

Karuna Goswamy


1. Excessively talkative; wordy

6. A kind of axe-like tool

8. The medicinal tree that is all Indian

11. Choice, or best of anything

12. Cry bitterly

13. Akira Kurosawa’s filmic masterpiece

14. The festival that ties brothers and sisters together

17. Scheme; design

19. Relating to air

21. A mental feeling; state of excitement


2. Assistance; help

3. A lively, Scottish dance

4. A season of fasting for Christians

5. Value; worth

6. The man of many Fables

7. Beautiful striped quadruped

9. Uncanny; weird

10. The king of fruits in India

15. Urdu poet, famous for his ‘marsiyas’

16. Stop; stay

18. Solution obtained through percolation

20. — Grande, Mexican river
