Saturday, July 30, 2005

Karuna Goswamy


1. Small, narrow secluded valley

3. The river we share with Pakistan

5. A former name of Tokyo

6. Bangalore Institute funded by the Tatas (inits.)

8. Cain’s brother in the Testament

10. Accumulate; put away

12. Dandy; excessively vain person

13. Vitality; vigour

14. The choice or best of a group

17. Swiss painter and sculptor

18. Slovenly person; a boor

19. How our foreign ministry is called (inits.)

20. Bali’s wife in the Ramayana

21. Herbert _, famous English art critic


1 Bend the knee in reverence

2. Where birds keep heading

3. Laugh boisterously, loudly

4. Pakistan’s capital city

7. Famous skiing resort in Colorado

9. Surface nor at right angles with adjacent surface

11. Sash that binds a kimono together

15. Peru’s capital city

16. Imperial ruler of former Russia
