Saturday, July 9, 2005

Rhyme timE
Vote wisely

Politics, politics, politics,

It is other name of fights and conflicts.

Though it’s full of name and fame,

Yet it is a dirty game.

Everyone here is running behind the chair,

Striving for the nation’s welfare is very rare.

It’s common about every politician,

Winning election is his only mission.

To achieve this, they will do everything,

Even people’s doorbells they would ring.

List of promises would be long,

But after they win, everything goes wrong.

Words remain words, which they never mean,

For five years, they are nowhere to be seen.

Satisfaction with them is like a dream,

Corruption is their only theme.

Use your ‘right to vote’ wisely.

Choose a responsible government precisely.

If in our politics, prevails sincerity

Only then can our country have prosperity

Each and everyone’s vote is precious

Vote for the right — this contribution is tremendous.

Nayya Saini, X-B, St Joseph’s Convent School, Jalandhar

Books and buts

Books should be few and good,

But one needs to study according to his mood.

Reading storybooks is my hobby,

But I hate studying biology.

General knowledge books open our minds’ doors,

But I find social studies a bore.

English reader is my favourite book,

But after studying home science, I like to cook.

Books are good and bad,

But some of them can make us mad.

Priya Sharma, VIII-B, Kitchloo Public School, Moga