Wednesday, June 29, 2005

In focus
Meeting entrepreneurial challenges

Even though several organisations are engaged in promoting entrepreneurial actigities, the Centre for the Development of advanced Computing (CDAC), Mohai, is concentrating specially on development of entrepreneurial skills in the areas of electronics, computer and information technology.

Deepak Rana, PRO-cum-Coordinator, entrepreneurial activities, introduced the Technical Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (TEDP) way back in 1990-91 with the objective of creating entrepreneurial environment. The main idea was promote entrepreneurship in the field of IT due to its scope in self-employment as well as in wage employment. The Centre provides requisite information on entrepreneurial, managerial, financial and Technological aspects of IT as per the need of current entrepreneurial environment so that participants of these programmes can develop their careers accordingly. C-DAC, Mohali is endeavouring to become the focal point for development of entrepreneurial environment in IT in the region.

Technical Entrepreneurship Development Programs for S and T people:

The Technical Entrepreneurship Development Program (TEDP) is becoming crucial for industrial development and for alleviating the problem of unemployment. Economic growth draws vital initiatives from a spectrum of young and talented entrepreneurs.

In this context, the Centre offers:

(a) Industrial exposure and training.

(b) Assistance in prototype development and testing.

(c) Assistance in project formulation and report preparation.

(d) Relevant guidance on Entrepreneurial, managerial, financial and technological aspects in setting up an industry.

Women Entrepreneurships Development Programs (WEDP):

With the increasing efforts to promote small and micro enterprises adopting appropriate technology, many countries have tapped, to some extent, the potential target group of women and have led them towards self-employment/entrepreneurship.

The centre has successfully conducted four Women Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (WEDPs) and trained 96 women candidates. All the WEDPs are sponsored by the small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI), Chandigarh. The main objective of the WEDP is to motivate the participants to set-up small-scale business enterprises with suitable and viable projects related to women entrepreneurs.

Skill-cum-Technology Upgradation Programs (STUPs) for industrial professionals:

C-DAC Mohali regularly conducts Skill-cum-Technology Upgradation Programs (STUPs) in areas of emerging technologies, particularly for working professionals to give them state-of-the-art information. The main objectives of these STUPs are to improve the performance of existing SSI units by developing/strengthening the entrepreneurial and managerial skills and capabilities of the entrepreneurs and senior executives for the small-scale enterprises. The underlying intention is to enable the participant entrepreneurs/senior executives to assess his/her existing performance level and determine ways to enhance performance. It is also aimed at creating awareness amongst the SSI units on process improvements, technological developments etc. and to induce the units to upgrade their technological levels.

All these STUPs are sponsored by the SIDBI. As many as working professionals have trained (SSI) under these programmes..

Cyberpreneurship Development Programs (CDPs) for STD/PCO operators:

The Cyberpreneurship Development Program (CDP) aims at making concerted efforts to train manpower in the rural areas to cash in on the ITES ( IT-Enabled Services) wave. After having successfully run the pilot project of converting the PCO-into cyber cafes, the need arises to convert the cyber caf`E9 operators into cyberpreneurs. To reduce the urban-bias of IT tools and services and to enlighten the masses inhabiting the areas around these cyber cafes, a drive would be undertaken to bring IT and ITES to the grassroots levels.

On the basis of successful entrepreneurial activities, the Union Ministry of Information Technology, has appointed C-DAC, Mohali ,to conduct CDPs for the cybrepreneurial development of STP/PCO operators. The main objectives of these programs are to provide the entrepreneurial, managerial, financial and technological inputs so that STP/PCO operators can develop their business as a successful cyberpreneurs. More then 300 STD/PCO operators has been benefited under these programmes.

Technical Entrepreneurship Development Programs for the VRS employees of Central PSUS:

On the basis of past status, rich infrastructure and successful entrepreneurial activities of C-DAC, Mohali, Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises, Union Department of Public Enterprises, has appointed C-DAC, Mohali as the nodal agency to implement counseling, retraining and redeployment (CRR) Scheme for the entrepreneurial development of VRS employees of Central Public Sector Undertakings (CPSUs)

C-DAC-Mohali has trained more then 500 VRS employees of Hindustan Machine Tools, National Fertilizers Limited, Cement Corporation of India and Food corporation of India under the CRR Scheme

Career planning camp for students:

In this present competitive environment, students are vary confused about finding a suitable career after the completion if their basic qualifications. The Centre is conducting special Counselling and career planning camps for plus two 2 students, ITI & polytechnic students, diploma and degree holders students. Self evaluation, suitable career options in IT, personality development, communication skills and market survey techniques for career planning are the main topics of these camps.