Saturday, May 14, 2005

Karuna Goswamy


1. Member of an old Christian sect

6. Emit bright light

8. The god who challenged the Buddha

11. Mountain chain in Latin America

12. — Vegas, great gambling city

13. A kind of headgear

14. The US state known for potatoes

17. Netaji’s family name

19. Site of a famous college in England

21. Celebrated king of the Slave dynasty


2. An old measure of length in England

3. Is between a village and a city

4. Was not built in a day, as they say

5. One of the five gross elements

6. Former character actress of Hindi films

7. Green area in a desert region

9. Is associated with annual horse races

10. Skiing resort in Colorado

15. Electricity company in Delhi (inits.)

16. Post of control

18. Black gold, as they say

20. Group of American states (inits.)
