Wednesday, May 4, 2005

Title track

The Winning Manager
51 Steps to Corporate Success
by Walter Vieira
Response Books; pages 220; Rs 295

The Winning ManagerA guide meant for students of management and those working in the corporate sector, in this book the author uses his experience as a business consultant to present the reality, rather than just theoretical wisdom, pertaining to the corporate workplace.

The first part of the book gives a broad outline of how to apply for a job, negotiate an interview, choose an employer, make the first job change, get on with your boss, etc. The next section is devoted mostly to strategies that come into play in the corporate world. The tips are well illustrated with examples and anecdotes from corporate India.

The last part addresses the ethical issues pertaining to work culture, lending to the book a moral dimension that takes it beyond the realm of the purely academic.


Highwire Executive
Highwire Executive
Top Coaching Secrets to Transform your Work and Home Life
by Peter Stephenson
Penguin; pages 154; Rs 150

A former CEO, the author lays down techniques that are aimed at enabling executives to enhance their efficiency and effectiveness.

Making liberal use of diagrams and charts, the book explains ways to improve delegation powers, operating styles, leadership qualities and develop team spirit. It also offers a survival kit for the highwire manager. Interesting descriptions and classifications of executives on the basis of operating styles enliven the text.

A whole section is devoted to coaching techniques and processes. Last, but not the least, the author suggests ways for achieving an overall work-life balance. 'All work and some play' seems to be the mantra driving this book.

Chetna Keer Banerjee