David Bird

THE deal come from the National Open Teams in Australia. South ended in 3NT, despite a strong INT opening from West. How would you have played this contract after a lead of the queen of diamonds from West? Declarer won with the diamond king and saw that he might be embarrassed for discards if he ran the club suit immediately. Instead, he led the queen of hearts from his hand. West won with the ace and persisted with the jack of diamonds. If declarer had captured this trick, he would have gone down. The defenders would still have had communications in diamonds. The jack of diamonds was allowed to win and declarer won the third round of diamonds with dummy’s ace. Again it would be awkward to run the clubs at this stage. South would be discarding in front of West and would be in danger of losing the last three tricks. If he kept K-10 of spades and bared the heart jack. West would reduce to the bare spade ace and two hearts. If instead he kept the bare spade king and Q-8 of hearts. West would reduce to two spades and the heart king. Avoiding this situation, declarer ran the nine of hearts. When it forced West’s ace, there were nine tricks on view.


What would you say now?


If you bid 2D. partner will take this as a cue-bid showing a good hand with heart support. An overcall at the one level does not promise much strength. Strange as it may seem. I reckon that a Pass is the best move. If you want to show some values, in case partner is strong, then you can bid INT, which suggests about 9-13 points. However, I don’t expect this contract to play so well as IH.

Awards: Pass-10, INT-7, 2D-4, 2NT-2

— Knight Features