A stormy year ahead
Sansar Chandra makes predictions for Samvatsara 2062

Sansar Chandra
Sansar Chandra

The Samvatsara year 2062 commences its journey at 2.50 a.m. during the night between April 8 and 9. However, according to a statutory mandate of our astrological code, the first bright lunar day of Chaitra (Shukla Pratipada) must touch the first rays of the sun to be designated as the Samvatsara Day.

The turn of the day is subject to sunrise only. It does not change at midnight as in the Christian calendar. The solar date falling on this day will be Chaitra 27.

The first spring navaratra also falls on the same day while Baisakhi, the first day of the new solar year, comes on April 13.

According to a legend, this was the first day when spring blossomed. Lord Brahma chose this day to set the process of creation into motion.

The Vikrama is the oldest among the Indian calendars. After coming to power, the British replaced it by the Christian calendar. The Vikrama calendar continues to influence our social, cultural and spiritual perceptions.

The new Samvatsara with its total period of sway ranging up to 3.45 pm on March 29, 2006, is termed as Vilamba in astrological parlance.

Vilamba, a Sanskrit word, means delay. Whatever is envisaged or contemplated will linger on.

The official machinery, be it at political or bureaucratic level, will move at a snail’s pace. The sincerity and responsiveness of those linked with governance will be questionable.

The new Samvatsara suffers from gandamoola afflictions. Mercury, the constellation lord is debility-prone.

There will be no cessation of proxy war with our neighbouring country. We can expect large-scale infiltration on borders facing the North. The civilian population might be forced to migrate to safer zones. Greater defence preparedness will be needed.

Saturn scare

Kingship has been taken over by Saturn, a hawk by temperament and traditionally a warmonger. Having annexed, two more portfolios to his regime simultaneously, Saturn will be a power to reckon with.

We cannot expect peace and calm from an evildoer. A debilitated Mercury, the second in command in Saturn’s cabinet, is a non-entity.

Another worrisome development is the placement of Saturn in the house of enemies and disease. The year under review might be a stormy and catastrophic. Fear psychosis and frustration will be rampant. Stability and safety of human life will be at risk.

After Saturn, the king, the lion’s share of portfolios has gone to Mars. With as many as three portfolios within his authority, Mars is another power centre and as a fiery planet by nature is rash, excitable and excessively hot-headed by temperament. So the king can be ill-advised.

Since Mars happens to occupy an exalted position in both the solar and lunar charts, the negative value of Mars can pose a serious problem.

With the Saturn and Mars calling the shots, Mercury, the prime minister being subdued, the chances of India’s destiny making any positive strides seem bleak. Caste and communal frenzy, mayhem and cross-border terrorism will be traumatic.

India’s solar chart that starts operating with effect from April 14 shows promise. With three major planets the Sun, Moon and Mars having achieved exaltation, as many as seven planets occupying central positions is not less than Raja yoga.

Mercury, the second in command that was retrograde in the Samvatsara horoscope, has resumed normalcy in the solar chart. It will enhance India’s stature at the global level. A significant progress in defence preparedness, space and information technology will be made. The country’s nuclear club will increase its stockpile of arsenal more gigantic.

The third horoscope which performs a pivotal role in ascertaining the potential of the new year is known as the Aardra entry chart which will assume its reign at 3.20 a.m. on June 22.

How far the current year is viable or deficient for trade, commerce, agriculture and economy as a whole depends on the position of planets that prevails in this chart.

With the rise in inflation and the population explosion, the money market will be in a tight corner. Retrograde and anti-poor policies of the government could demoralise the common man. Shortage of power and frequency of cuts will be a blow to the industrial sector. With the ascendant lord, a benefic planet in the house of finance, a considerate approach by experts can halt the deterioration of economy.


Leaders’ woes

An in-depth study of India’s chart reveals that we are being ruled by Venus as the mahadasha lord and Mercury as antardasha lord. Both stars were combust when India became independent.

Combustibility of both these ruling planets can inflict a stunning blow to the party in power. Internal dissensions on basic issues among top ranking leaders will ruin their image in public as well as official life.

Corruption will remain all-pervasive. Besides politicians, many bureaucrats will be in the dock for misusing their authority and amassing wealth disproportionate to their legitimate sources of income. Communalism, parochialism, vote bank politics, criminality and political killings will become more rampant. Crime against women will be on the rise.

The year will remain under the shadow of cloud Samvarta and naga known as Hema-Maali.

Both ensure adequate and timely rainfall, resulting in fairly satisfactory agricultural production but Mars as the lord of clouds and vayu as representative of nine clouds are just the opposite and can create a famine-like situation.

The final verdict lies with Jupiter who holds the portfolio of agriculture. Since Jupiter holds a central position in all three horoscopes, he will never allow the weather gods to play any destructive role.

Since Samvatsara’s abode lies close to the washer man and Rohini has chosen the seashore for her residence, hence the deficiency caused by the reactionary forces would be met adequately. We can, therefore, expect land to remain fertile and growth-oriented.

With the buffalo, a proto-type of lethargy and boredom, projected as a vehicle for the Samvatsara, the unbridled greed on the part of the hoarders could prove like a pile on camel’s back. The spurt in prices will be very high. The authorities may fail to protect the common man from the greed of anti-social elements.

There cannot be any upsurge in growth-oriented sectors of the country. All of them will remain subservient to the diverse policies represented by different political affiliations.

Many will try their luck in the stock market. There will be glut of investment and money will overflow. Foreign investors and NRIs will be the front-runners in inflating and deflating the stock market. Those who exercise restraint and caution will reap rich rewards, while the hard liner speculators will be left high and dry. However, lure for easy money on the part of investors will surpass previous records.