Home to school and school to home This is a child’s life no more After six hours of study in the school Students need some time to remain calm and cool But two hours of tuition is still waiting ahead Leaving the students no less than dead After a break or direct from school Even in tuitions they have their pools Parents never ask what is taught in the class But did the tuition teacher offer water in the glass? Tuition fee is more than the school fee They feel very proud and pay it happily Dear parents, please do not panic, Self-study is what matters It will never let your dreams shatter
Meetali Singla Scare of science The subject called science, Its name creates fear and scare, Its experiments shake every nerve of my brain It brings so much pain and strain, The preparation of science examination Makes me a pathetic sight, And scares me day and night What more should I write? Because science is a terror and makes me terrified. Sargum Makhni, Smoking Are you smoking for fun? Or for none Or for fashion Or for passion Or just to make smoking rings session? Are you under the impression, That it gives freshness and increases concentration Oh! my dear you are under an illusion Smoking is just your brain’s confusion It makes the environment poisonous Remember, smoking of one cigarette, Reduces five minutes of life It means neither you love your children, Nor your wife Beware, if you do not stop smoking Smoking is going to smoke your life.
Jagriti Jain This
feature was published on December 11, 2004 |