Saturday, December 18, 2004

Karuna Goswamy



1. What an elephant rider uses

3. Director Indra Kumar’s popular film

5. A well-known Bombay painter

6. Land tenant in old system under the British

8. Sir Herbert — British scholar/ poet

10. Direct for information, etc.

12. Land of Lincoln and Jefferson (inits)

13. What the Arabs own so much of

14. Step or walk on

17. A kind of arch in architecture

18. Thomas Hardy’s master work

19. Former name of Tokyo

20. Set off on sea

21. Is also known as a cougar


1. Excessively talkative

2. Much loved fruit of the Arab world

3. Unclothed; naked

4. A region in southern Spain

7. Hold forth; speak out

9. Destroy by slow consumption

11. What every school pupil pays

15. Sway under a blow

16. Above
