Spot this visitor in your park
Mehran Zaidi

Red-whiskered bulbuls can be found in parks and gardens
Red-whiskered bulbuls can be found in parks and gardens

The red-vented bulbul is a fiesty warrior
The red-vented bulbul is a fiesty warrior

Have you ever noticed a smart crested brown bird hopping around in parks and gardens? This friendly and charming bird is the bulbul.

There are eight different types of bulbuls: red-vented, red-whiskered, white-cheeked, striated, white-browed, yellow-browed, yellow-throated and black. Of the eight, the most common are the red-vented, the red-whiskered and the white-cheeked bulbuls.

The red-vented Bulbul is undoubtedly the most easily sighted of the three. It is found in gardens, city parks and shrubberies. It is a handsome brown bird with a black-crested head and a white patch under its tail. Red-vented bulbuls are belligerent warriors. They can be tamed and are kept as fighting pets.

The red-whiskered bulbul also frequents gardens and parks like its red-vented cousin. It is a shy bird and is the smartest and sleekest of all bulbuls. Its song is also the most beautiful and musical of all. It is a brown and white bird with a black crest on its head and red patch under the root of its tail.

The white-cheeked bulbul is also a garden and park bird. It is an energetic and noisy bird. The white-cheeked bulbul is also found in the high mountains. It is a brown bird with a black head, shining white cheeks, and a yellow patch under the root of its tail. The mountain variety has a crest on its head, while those in the plains do not have it.

Bulbuls like to eat fruit buds, flower nectar, berries, peas, insects like ants, moths, caterpillars, etc.

The bulbul is also sometimes mistakenly referred to as the nightingale.