Across 1. Term signifying ‘across Asia’ 6. Believe 8. Soft, lustrous fabric 11. Krishna ___, powerful orator statesman of the Nehru era 12. ____ de Janeiro, capital of Brazil 13. The famous lake of Kashmir 14. The sub-montane area of UP 17. Capital of the Ukraine 19. Large body of water surrounded by land 21. With two corresponding parts, existing in two examples Down 2. Small deer 3. Word by which individual is spoken to 4. In addition to 5. Sick 6. Bo ____, symbol of glamour in Hollywood 7. To display feelings 9. Asian country south of the Himalayas 10. ____ Minogue, Australian Pop songs 15 Bad, harmful 16 ____ Guiness, British actor of yesteryear 18 Where serious patients are kept 20 Assembled equipment
used for a specific purpose