Sunday, June 20, 2004


North’s 2H shows a sound raise in spades (direct bids of 2S or 3S would have been pre-emptive). Since South would have overcalled without the ace of diamonds he feels entitled to rebid 3S. North raises to game and the two of hearts is led. How would you play the hand? The lead is an obvious singleton and you should rise with dummy’s ace of hearts. After drawing trumps in two rounds, you run the nine of hearts to East. West shows out on this trick and East wins with the queen. Suppose he switches to a diamond now. You win with the ace, cross to a trump and lead the jack of hearts. It makes no difference whether East covers. If he does, you will ruff and return to the ace of clubs to throw a club. If he chooses not to, you will throw a club immediately. In either case you will eventually ruff a diamond in dummy for your ninth trick. The technique in hearts is known as a ‘ruffing finesse’. Would a club lead have beaten the contract, do you think? You can still succeed, provided you duck the first round of clubs to break the defenders’ communications. You will then win the club continuation, draw trumps, and run the nine of hearts. Again an eventual ruffing finesse will allow you to discard a club loser.

What would you say now on the West Cards?


Your side has at half the points in the pack and you should announce this by bidding INT rather than passing. Partner will then be able to compete if he has any extr a distribution or strength. If instead you pass and North responds 2C, you will be left wondering what to do on the next round. Awards: INT - 10, Pass -7, Redouble - 4, 2H/2D/2C-3.

— Knight Features