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Monday, November 17, 2003
Dotcom World

Predictions through Net
Vinod Kumar

ALMOST everyone is inquisitive to know what lies for him or her in future. That makes astro-columns in print and electronic media a hit. To have a peep into future, readers take help of astrology. Astrologers are consulted on financial matters, career and marital problems and other matters that impact our daily life. In India, astrology has always occupies a special place and The Net has given a new dimension to the whole scenario. We are providing you a list of Websites, which will give you information on astrology.


This site is one of the most comprehensive Web portal on astrology from India. This site offers Nirayana planetary position, Lagna, Rasi and Navamsha chart, Vimsottari Dasha, Shodasha Varga, Astaka Varga, daily predictions, overall predication and much more. To avail all these facilities one has to be a member of this site, which is absolutely free of cost. It also contains information on various festivals. Apart from this, one can download and set his/her favourite deity wallpapers instantly. This site is available in English, Hindi and many other regional languages like Punjabi, Gujarati and many more. This site is worth browsing.


Another good site on Indian astrology. Astro experts of this site follow the principles of vedic system, which is unique, accurate and detailed. This site offers services like horoscope, career consultation, marriage compatible and consultation, consultation for a newborn, medical consultations, varshpal and many other services. It also offers a unique service where you can have a personalised discussion with an expert astrologer. On the site, you can find free tutorial of Indian Astrology, which may enable you to know and learn about Indian astrology.