Saturday, September 13, 2003
M A I N   F E A T U R E

Do you have a complex?
Read what your handwriting says
Shiv Darshanlal Sharma

Light pressure on paper indicates an artistic inclination
Light pressure on paper indicates an artistic inclination

IT is interesting to infer personality of an unknown person merely on the basis of handwriting. Just as two persons in the world are not identical, the same way it is quite impossible to have two similar handwritings. Since your handwriting depicts your feelings, you cannot conceal yourself while writing. According to renowned graphologist Robert Shark, handwriting is the outcome of the brain.

He who repeats what he has to convey usually suffers from inferiority complex and lacks self-confidence. He fears that the reader or evaluator may ignore or forget his matter. Therefore, he tries to impress upon the reader by repeating things. Such persons are doubtful about their existence. On the contrary, brief, effective and to the point write-ups are indicative of self-confident and self-determined persons, while those who write very briefly are commonly egoists and proud of themselves. Those who attempt deletions and cuttings repeatedly while writing are temperamental and indecisive. The people who avoid deletions simply to maintain the beauty of the writing are of adamant nature and do not easily accept their shortcomings.


Persons who leave a deep impression on the paper while writing commonly suffer from high blood pressure and mental stress. Applying light or soft pressure on paper reveals that the fellow is sensitive and artistic, while medium pressure depicts a practical and realistic person. Inclination of words towards the left side is indicative of a self-centred and liberal personality. Handwriting at right angle indicates that the person will be patriotic, content and soft spoken. These writers are peace-loving.

People leaving accurate space between lines are judicious. Leaving unequal space between the lines signifies an extravagant, parasitic and indecisive nature. Haphazard writing and lines touching each other indicates that the writer may be suffering from depression. Large-sized letters represent a sympathetic attitude towards others, while small ones talk of an introvert and selfish nature. Writing on pieces of papers signifies miserliness. Those who leave equal margins on both sides are artistic and romantic.