Saturday, August 23, 2003
G O O D  M O T O R I N G

When women are soft targets
H. Kishie Singh

Cell phones can serve as a great safety device for women drivers
Cell phones can serve as a great safety device for women drivers

WE have discussed some precautions to take against people who want to steal from your car.

Other than this type of petty thieves, there are other baddies around as well. Some of these target women drivers. Women are considered soft targets.

A common modus operandi is that a couple of scooter-borne baddies follow a woman driver, especially as she comes out of a bank, or with a bunch of shopping bags from an expensive store. They may follow her all the way home. A deserted road inside a sector would be a good place to waylay the woman driver. Keep a lookout in your rear-view mirror (they do serve a useful purpose!). You can’t do this if the mirrors are closed.

If you see the same scooter or vehicle behind you for long, drive into a shopping parking lot or an area with lots of people where you have good chance of knowing somebody. If the situation demands, seek help from a shopkeeper.


You should plan your drive and let someone at home know your movements. Also tell them what time should they expect you home?

While talking or listening to your passengers do not turn your head to look at them. Taking your eyes off the road is dangerous.

Don’t talk with your hands. They should be firmly on the steering wheel.

These days rains affect visibility. As you switch on your wipers, turn on your lights. You will be seen more easily. Many other people do not have proper wipers on their cars. Their visibility is restricted. A set of headlights will alert the other driver. And keep them on low beam. High beams dazzle even during the day.

Another very courteous move would be to drive on low beams while following a car. High beams in the rear-view mirror are very distracting, and dangerous for both drivers. If the lead car encounters any problems, the second car too could get entangled. Maintain a safe distance from the car in the front.

Though driving and talking on the cell phone are banned, carrying a cell phone is a great safety device.

There are a number of break-down and recovery services available to the motorist these days. Even if you are not a member, have their help-line phone number keyed into your cellphone. It could come in handy some day.

The single largest cause of accidents at cross-roads is the "red-light jumper". Respect a red light. Stop. If you miss a green light, no great calamity will befall you. On the contrary, you could be a statistic.

If you are at a red light, respect it. Besides the red light, also respect the zebra crossing. It is not for you. It is for the pedestrian.

In case you were first in line at the red light, do not zoom off when it turns green. There could be a ‘red-light jumper’ and you could be a statistic through no fault of your own!

The male chauvinist has a tendency to take advantage of women drivers. They may indulge in aggressive driving, come too close to make the woman driver nervous and angry. Rude and obscene gestures are not unknown.

It is natural to become angry, frustrated and nervous. All this could lead to road rage.

Stay cool and do not react. Take stock of the traffic around you. Drive defensively and take evasive action. Move away from the source of your problem.

If you react in anger, you are in a state of road rage.

Anger released is anger increased. Anger transformed is anger dissolved. Calm down, think of pleasant thoughts. Do not react. Be tolerant and courteous — even though you are being provoked. This is the basic of good motoring. Slow down, change lanes — even if it means taking an exit you didn’t want to take.

My father used to tell this story. Two motorists came bumper to bumper on a very narrow bridge. The arrogant lout yelled," I am not going to back off for a fool like you!".

"But I will," said the gentleman and backed off!

Happy motoring!
