August 11, 2003
Humour |
Y2K ready
From Sunil Sharma
A letter written by an
employee in December 1999 retrieved from the record room:
Dear Boss,
I hope I haven’t misunderstood your instructions. Because to be
honest, boss, none of this Y to K dates problem makes any sense to me.
At any rate I have finished converting all months on all company
calendars so that the year 2000 is ready to go with the following
improved months: Januark, Februark, Mak, Julk. In addition, I have
changed the days of the week, and they are — Sundak, Mondak, Tuesdak,
Wednesdak, Thursdak, Fridak and Saturdak. Is it enough, or should I
change any other Y to K? I am a fan of the New York Yankees. Should I
call them New Kork Kankees in order to be Y2K ready?
Programmer’s SOS
Once a programmer drowned
in the sea. Many Marines were on the beach at that time but the
programmer was shouting, F1, F1 and nobody understood it.
Computer illiterate
A CI (computer illiterate)
reads in the manual that when you save something, it creates a file. The
person saves what he/she is doing, then gets up, walks over to the file
cabinet, and flips through the files, trying to find the new one.
A CI who follows baseball
reads that his computer has 640 K memory. The CI then spends five or so
hours trying to figure out how the computer can pitch a strikeout.
A CI refuses to use a
laser printer because he/she fears it will burn a hole through the
A CI buys a home computer
with a hard disk. He/she unpacks the computer, sets it up, then calls
the place he/she bought it from, complaining that there were no disks in
the box at all, hard or floppy.
Culled from the Net