Saturday, June 28, 2003
W O R D   P O W E R

The last of the season

Brinder Aulakh

IT’S goodbye to synonyms with this week’s linguistic stretching

I a) Rearrange the following verbs into four groups of three synonyms each.

gobble, adorn, rebuke, clip, gaggle, scold, beautify, abridge, reprimand, caw, abbreviate, embellish

(b) group the following synonyms into two groups.

enemy, rebellion, adversary, mutiny, opponent, rival, revolt, antagonist, revolution, fee, uprising, insurrection

II Use each of the following words, all of which are synonymous with ‘wrong’, to fill in the blanks in the given sentences:

incorrect, illogical, futile, groundless, erroneous, spurious, imaginary, untrue

1. His answer to the problem was ————————.

2. Though substantially true, his statement was—as to details.

3. The collector possessed several—— coins issued by forgers in the eighteenth century.

4. He is very fussy abut his health and suffers from many ————— illnesses.

5. Your suspicions are quite ——————; she would not deceive you so.

6. It would be — to try to convince him that he holds an ——-view of the matter.

7. You cannot reach correct conclusions if you think in an —— manner.


III Give the synonyms for the following words. Each synonym must contain the number of letters indicated

1. curious (11) 2. boring (4) 3. angry (7) 4. shy (8) 5. assist (4) 6. let (5) 7. optimistic (7) 8. cheap (11) 9. funny (9)

IV Rephrase the following sentences using the given words

1. We must have your answer tonight at the latest. INSIST

2. The bank now owns this block of flats. BELONGS

3. Please throw all these things away. RID

4. It’s not my habit to get up quite so early as this. USED

5. Why did you do that? FOR

6. Everybody enjoyed the place except Naresh. ONLY

7. What’s your preference for tonight? The theatre or the cinema? RATHER

8. The firm is going to raise everybody’s salary. GIVEN


Answer key

(I a) gobble gaggle caw

2. adorn beautify embellish

3. rebuke scold reprimand

4. clip abridge abbreviate

b) 1 enemy, adversary, opponent, rival, antagonist, foe

2. rebellion, adversary, mutiny, revolt, revolution, uprising, insurrection

II 1. incorrect 2. untrue 3. spurious 4. imaginary 5. grondless 6. futile-erroneous 7. illogical

III 1. inquisitive 2. dull 3. furious 4. reserved 5. help 6. allow 7. hopeful 8. inexpensive 9. hilarious.

IV 1. We insist on having your answer tonight at the latest

2. This block of flats now belows to the bank.

3. Please get rid of all these things.

4. I am not used to getting up this early.

5. What did you do that for?

6. Only Naresh didn’t enjoy the party

7. Where would you rather go tonight? The theatre or the cinema?

8. Everybody is going to be given a raise by the firm.
