Saturday, June 28, 2003
G O O D  M O T O R I N G

Make the right use of indicators
H. Kishie Singh

LAST time we had some excellent advice for drivers on the highway. "Please indicate when changing lanes on the road".

Most Indian drivers misuse their indicators. That’s because they don’t know the proper use of indicators.

All cars these days have indicators that flash at the front, rear and side of the car. They can be seen by another driver from almost any angle. It lets all other road users know of the driver’s intent. It is a tremendous safety device and should be used with complete understanding.

If you pull the steering column mounted lever down, all three lights on the left side start to flash. This indicates that the vehicle is going to move left — be it a left turn to leave the road or to have to move into the left lane. This would be proper procedure, once you have overtaken and are ready to move into the left lane. Remember, the extreme right hand lane, the one closest to the centre lane, is for overtaking only and emergency vehicles like, ambulance, police or fire tenders. If you keep this lane vacant, you will neither have to use horn, brakes nor have to slow down, or may be change gears.


Using the horn is a nuisance. Braking, slowing down and changing gears will adversely affect your fuel consumption. You will also add to the wear and tear of your clutch plate, gears, brakes and tyres. It also contributes to driver fatigue.

Keep left at all times, except while overtaking. That is the rule of the road.

Now we come to the right-hand indicator. Pushing the indicator lever up will activate the right hand flashers, the most misused fitment on your car. The right hand indicator means the car is going to turn right or in the case of an overtake manoeuvre the driver is about to move out of the left hand lane into the right hand lane.

For executing an overtake manoeuvre, it is imperative that you check your rear-view mirror plus your wing mirror. You should be well behind the vehicle you want to overtake, make sure the road ahead is clear. Check the rear view mirror. There may be another faster car coming up behind you to overtake you. You don’t want to pull into his path and upset his overtake manoeuvre, which might result in a rear-ender. Getting hit from the rear on a highway is a rear-ender. It happens all the time. Most often it is the fault of the lead car and the reason is always the same — the driver did not check the rear-view mirrors.

Why is it that most cars on the road have their exterior mirrors closed? Do you think the manufacturer crazy? He gives you a tremendous safety item and you ignore it. It’s like having seat belts and not using them.

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!! The right hand indicator is not to give a pass. Think about the logic of this move. The vehicle in front moves left to give you a pass and flashes right hand indicators! Its all wrong.

A vehicle in the left lane gives you a pass, or even moves left from the right hand lane. He should flash his left indicators saying, "I am keeping left — OK to pass!" That’s auto-sense.

If I had a car in front of me in the left lane and I see his right side flasher, I would never overtake. He may mean "pass". He could also be turning right, which means a hugely overloaded truck could squish you as you came alongside.

Please think and pay attention to this diabolical move and at least train your driver to follow this simple safety procedure. Each one, teach one.

And then we have hazard flashers. It is possible to flick a switch and have all six lights flash at the same time. As the name implies — Hazard! This is to be used when you are stationary on the road in case of an emergency, not when on the move.

It says, "I am stationary. Exercise caution while passing".

The only exception would be if the vehicle is on tow. Then the message "Exercise caution while passing" would be relevant.

Pay attention to this tremendous safety device at your command. Think, use it wisely and make your roads safer.

Happy motoring!
