Saturday, May 31, 2003
W O R D   P O W E R

Speaking of synonyms

Brinder Aulakh

A synonym is defined by the Advanced Learner’s Dictionary as "a word or expression that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the same language". For example, ‘hear’ and ‘listen’ are synonyms. Thus, two or more words that have roughly the same meaning but are often used differently belong to the category of synonyms. Also, words that belong to the same part of speech can be synonyms and not others. For example, ‘king’ and ‘emperor’ are synonyms but not ‘king’ and ‘kingly’ because ‘king’ is a noun and ‘kingly’ is an adjective. Synonyms are succinctly expressive words and enrich a language. They share a core meaning and create their own identity by entering into specific contexts and expressing precise meanings. Mental images are related to particular words and their association is strengthened by frequent use. Synonyms do away with a vague and nebulous use of words. They facilitate a subtle and nuanced use of language.


In a group of synonyms, each word will have a slightly different meaning and will be used in different contexts. Very often collocations define the semantic field of each word. For example, ‘twinkle’ and ‘beam’ are synonyms of the verb ‘to shine’ but we think of a ‘twinkling star’ and a ‘beaming searchlight’ and not a ‘beaming star’ and a ‘twinkling searchlight’.

Using synonyms effectively requires a high level of proficiency in English which enables the speaker and the writer to select the most appropriate word to convey what they want to say. An adequate vocabulary is essential for comprehension as well as expression. Synonyms help us become more articulate and promote clarity in thinking, discussing and arguing through a subtle and nuanced use of words, effective in their precision of meaning.

And now set to work with synonyms.

I Make two groups of the following verbs, some of which mean ‘increase’ and the others ‘decrease’:

lessen, shrivel, amplify, dilate, expand, diminish, reduce, wane, augment, shrink, enlarge, wax, exalt, magnify, contract, abate, curtail, extend.

II Complete the following sentences by using the given words, all of which mean ‘to cut’:

lop, shear, abridge, clip, reap, hew, abbreviate, pare, mow, prune.


2.You______a lawn.

3.You______a rose tree.

4.You______a hedge.

5.You______a book.

6.You______a harvest.

7.You_______a sheep.

8.You_______a word.

9.You_______a tree.


Answer key

I Group I ‘increase’: amplify, dilate, expand, augment, enlarge, wax. exalt, magnify, extend.

Group II ‘decrease’: lessen, shrivel, diminish, reduce, wane, shrink, contract, abate, curtail.

II.1. pare 2. mow 3.prune 4.clip 5.abridge 6. reap 7.shear 8. abbreviate 9. lop 10. hew
