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Monday, February 24, 2003
Dr Tribune

Q. I am facing a strange problem. I have Windows ‘98 SE operating system with P-III 866 MHz, 64 MB SDRAM. I often work in Foxpro 2.5 (MS-DOS based). After exiting Foxpro, if I don’t move mouse and try to run any program using keyboard with the help of startmenu, I am not able to run because the ‘Enter’ key doesn’t work. For example, after exiting Foxpro, if I go to startmenu>program>MS Word and hit enter the MSword doesn’t start. This happens in all software (IE, notepad, paint, photoshop etc.). It doesn’t happen on desktop icons (It happens on context menu of any icon). If I just move mouse after exiting Foxpro, everything works fine. Please solve my problem.

Narinder Verma, Rajpura

A. Back to basics, please run scan disk in thorough mode followed by Disk defrag. This will solve your problem. However, if this problem continues, then you should uninstall and after shutting down Windows restart the Windows and install again. I am sure your problem would be solved.

Q. My PC is Celeron 633 MHz with 10 GB HDD and 64 MB RAM. My HDD is divided in to 3 partitions i.e. C, D, E. Drive C:\ contains only OS and D:\ and E:\ carry other data. I don’t have much of software on my system. The OS is Windows XP. Now for quite some time, my system responds slowly. Actions like opening of files take a lot of time and sometimes it seems as if system hangs. Earlier, it was not so. I have tried various things like Disk Cleanup and Defragmentation but it hasn’t improved. Previously, my OS was Win ‘98 and I was facing the same problem on that OS too. Please suggest some remedy.

Sohrab Sandhu, Chandigarh

A. You have managed your system really well. However for your problem, you would need to do some more things besides disk clean up, defragmentation etc. First of all check out if the Inbox of your e-mail client is not loaded with old and obsolete e-mails. This is a common problem and eats up a lot of precious system resources. Normally, we are not in a habit of deleting old and junk mails. Second clean up your browser of all cache files and temporary Internet files. This will boost the performance of your system substantially. Third, clear your system of all junk files present in your computer including *.tmp files and *.Avi, *.Jpg, *.gif files etc. The list of these files is long. Third, make sure you do not have unnecessary drivers installed and also the size of the registry of your system is not unduly large. Remove extra fonts and demos, which you may not need. Then since the RAM installed in your system is low, thus it would help if you increase the size of RAM. But nevertheless you should increase the size of the paging file for better system performance. Remove all the unnecessary programs from the system tray and also from the start menu. Also make sure that you have not installed any 16-bit program, or a very old program, as this could cause the memory drain in your system. I hope that taking these points under consideration would boost the performance of your system.

Q. I have Celeron 550 MHz. desktop PC with 128 RAM and motherboard is of tomato with Intel 810 chipset. The operating is Windows ‘98 Se. I have two problems: 1. Whenever I start my computer and the desktop come I have to face a message .The message is..."This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down. "I have to face this message when I restart my computer.

2. After right clicking on the desktop, I chose ‘property’. After that property box is not opened. What is the reason and solution?

Kuldeep & Satnam, Dist. Fatehabad, Haryana.

A. This is a complex problem as host of reason could be responsible for it. The probable factors could range from system file corruption to presence of some virus, installation of wrong version of software, or even hardware failure. The best way to handle this problem is to run scandisk at the DOS prompt, as this can solve the problem else it would rule out some probabilities. Then if the system boots normally, it is good else restart your system to run in Safe mode. Now you can log on to Windows and run scandisk in safe mode followed by defrag. This may take care of some more problems and can work out the solution. I hope your problems should get solved at this stage. Otherwise you may need to clean boot your system and check for the presence of any virus. Since, this problem could also result from the presence of a virus in your system, thus removing the virus could solve your problem. But the problem still persist, I would suggest you to reinstall Windows again.

Q. How can I use my standard IDE Hard Disk Drive (Samsung 40 GB) with my USB port? Is there any converter available so as to use today’s standard HDDs with USB port so that it becomes hot swappable.


A. It is a good idea to make your hard disk swappable and it is very much possible nowadays. There is a good option in the form of hard disk rakes. This is an external hardware, which is being fitted into the cabinet and hard disk is slipped into it. When ever you want you can pull the hard disk and take it with you. You can easily put it in any computer which also has this hardware fitted. If you work from home as well as your office, then this could be an ideal utility as you can easily carry it to your home or office machine with you and enjoy the portability of data. Regarding the USB device, there are USB 2.0 to IDE/EIDE/ATAPI connectors available in the market, which can be used to connect a hard disk to USB. However, you can also find some ready made hardware like the one mentioned above for your complete solution.

Q. I have PC with the following configuration:

1.Processor PIII 933 Mhz.

2.810E Motherboard with Sis 630 chipset.

3.20 GB H.D.D (Samsung).

4.128 MB RAM(64+64,two chips).

5.Vintron Keyborad.

6.Genius simple mouse.

7.ATX cabinet.

8.Samsung CD ROM.

9.1.44 FDD.

10.Monitor 15"Samsung.

11.Hard Disk is C:,D:,E:,F:


I have following problems:

1.Whenever I reinstall my Windows ‘98, that is after formatting my C:, Windows does not detect my modem and when I try to find it through Add New Hardware in Control Panel after the detection process is complete, Windows shows that detection process is complete and no hardware found. But when I remove the modem from my system and insert it in some other port only then does the Windows show new hardware found at start up and asks for the drivers. Every time, I reinstall my Windows, I have to do the same process so as to make the Windows detect the modem.

2.The other problem with my system is I had installed Windows XP on my system. After working for 10-15 minutes on any application, like opening My Computer, opening any drives, help or even if I am working on the Internet using the Internet explorer. All applications are halted and a blue screen appears showing:

System is halted.

Hardware malfunctioning. Contact system vendor. Is there any way I can avoid this?

Vikas Garg

A. Regarding your first problem, it is quite logical that on the same slot without actually uninstalling the modem, your system may not detect the modem on reformatting. The simple reason is that the IRQ required by modem is already occupied and hence it does not detect also. Ideally you should uninstall the modem before formatting or unplug the modem and then restart the system. On plugging it back after restarting it again, the IRQ occupied by it would get free and hence it will detect the modem. Third option is what you have mentioned, i.e. to install it on some other slot. So these points are important and does not represent a problem actually. Regarding your second problem, I would suggest you to fresh install Windows XP, after you have formatted your C Drive. you should also thoroughly scandisk your hard disk for any kind of hard disk error. I hope these solutions will solve your problem.

Q. I have assembled PC with configuration - Processor- Celeron -850 MHz., Mother Board- 810-E (Vintron), 128 MB RAM and 20 GB HDD (Samsung) with C:, D,: E:,F:. I use Win ‘98 as OS. My problem is whenever I start FoxPro 2.5 (Windows-based, a message appears, which is: An error has occurred in your program. To keep working any way click ignore and save the work in new file. To quit this program, click close. You will lose information you entered since last save. The above message comes with two options, Close and Ignore.

In case I choose ignore button, the FoxPro runs properly without any trouble and everything is fine. If I choose close, a message appears: this program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down. FoxPro caused a divide error in module FoxPro.exe at 0001:0000flc9 register. The other programs in Win ‘98 runs properly. Please tell me the solution.

Ratan Bhardwaj, Yamunanagar

A. There could be many reasons for this kind of problem. The most likely reasons for this problem are corrupt system files, hard disk problem like development of bad sector where the information related to this program is written, cross linking of data etc. The first logical solution in this case is to scan disk your hard disk in thorough mode. This will take care of all hard disk related problem, which is the most likely reason in majority of the cases. However, if this problem persists then you can reinstall this program after uninstalling it first. I am sure this will solve your problem. You can also check out if any specific user file is causing this error, if this is the case, then you should rename it or remove it as the case may be.

Q. I got my sound card corrupted in the system. I want to check the make. Kindly let me know how can I check the same in my system. Once it is checked and suppose it is found that the software of the same is corrupted, from where I can download the same free of cost. Also let me know if soundcard, CRYSTAL 2437 make, is available for download on any site. Please send me the link.

S. Bhattacharya, Chandigarh.

A. There is a difference between the sound card getting corrupt and its driver getting corrupt. Secondly, it is also difficult to know the name of the sound card unless it is of a reputed brand or the name is engraved on the hardware. Normally, lot many card manufacturer use the chipset of standard companies like SIS etc. and market it as their brand. Thus from the system, you would get to know the chipset, which this card is using. There are three ways to find out, which card is it. First, right click on the desktop and then click on properties, then in the adapter tab, you can find the card which was installed on your system. Second you can also check it out from device manager about the card. Third, you can check out physically on the card, which chipset it is using. Normally, it is marked on the chipset of the card. Now as far as the driver is concerned, you can download it free from the site of the chipset manufacturer or if you know the name of the card, you can check out the site of it for exact driver.