The Tribune - Spectrum

Sunday, January 19, 2003

Sunday Activity

How not to let wine stains make you whine

WINE is fine as long as it does not leave tell-tale marks, on your constitution as well as your homescape. But if wine spills out from those slender goblets on to your dainty linen or prized carpets, it may cause you to whine. Smart hosts know how not to let all the wining and dining leave behind marks that outlast even the worst hangover. Here are handy tips to make wine spills disappear without a trace:

Wine is not fine on fabric

To remove stains of alcoholic drinks or wine launder with detergent in hottest water safe for the fabric. Do not use soap (bar, flake, or detergents containing natural soap), since soap can make the stain permanent or at least more difficult to remove.

Soak tough stains for 30 minutes in warm water.

To remove old or set stains washing with bleach that is safe for the fabric. Always check for colorfastness first.

If all the sugars are not removed a brown stain will appear when the fabric is heated in the dryer or is ironed, as the sugar gets caramelised.


Halt carpet spill with salt

A quick tip is to pour salt over the spill and allow the wine to soak into the salt and to later vacuum up the salt.

Work on removing the stain as soon as you notice it. The longer the stain is left on the carpet the greater the chances are of the stain setting.

In every case remove all excess wet or dry material before attempting to clean. Blot wet materials using a towel.

Vacuum excess dry materials or gently scrape up materials with a spoon.

Mix 1/2 tsp of detergent into 1 cup of warm water. Apply a small amount, blot or tamp and repeat until the stain is removed. Complete removal may require repeating the same step several times. Tamp down on the carpet, do not scrub as this may disort the texture of the pile.

Cover the stain with the towel and press down repeatedly to absorb the stain material and detergent.

Once the stain is completely removed, rinse the area with cold water; blot with a dry towel until all moisture is removed.

Repeat this process several times to remove cleaning solution residue. Residue can attract soils.

If the spot or stain turns brownish when dry, mix 1 part white vinegar and two parts water. Apply a small amount and blot. Repeat only once.

When clothes beer the brunt

An effective way to remove dried beer stains from white cottons or linen is to wash them with a solution of hydrogen peroxide.

To get rid of beer spots from coloured fabrics, it is best to wash them with a solution of white vinegar.

To remove dried beer stains from rugs and carpets, sponge the affected portions with white vinegar solution.

Ammonia for red wine stains

Remove all excess wet or dry material before attempting to clean up. Blot wet materials using a clean towel and vacuum excess dry materials or gently scrape up materials with a spoon.

Mix 2 tablespoon of household ammonia in one cup of water.

Apply a small amount of the mixed solution to the clean towel and blot on the stain. Continue until no further transfer of the stain is apparent.

If the stain remains proceed to the next step.

Once the stain is completely removed, rinse the area with cold water; blot with a dry white towel until all moisture is removed. Repeat this process several times.

Industrial strength ammonia should be mixed only according to manufacturer’s recommendations.

—Chetna Banerjee

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