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Monday, January 13, 2003
Latest Offerings


Intel Pentium 3.06 GHz
Intel Pentium 4 processor at 3.06 GHz offers higher levels of performance, creativity and productivity. Built with Intel’s 0.13-micron technology, the Pentium 4 processor delivers performance gains for use in home computing, business solutions and all your processing needs.


Price: Rs. 45,000

Intel Pentium 2.0 GHz
However, the product is designed for much more interactive, highly-integrative usage models such as collaborative workgroups, Internet audio and streaming video, image processing, video content creation, speech, 3-D, games, multimedia, and multitasking user environments.

Price: Rs. 10,500

Intel Pentium 2.4 GHz
The P4 2.4B runs with a 533 MHz FSB (hence the 2.4B ) which gives the processor up to 4.2 GB/s worth of bandwidth. The 2.4B features 55 million transistors which are etched on an enhanced, shrunken 0.13 micron Northwood Core.

Price: Rs.13,000

Intel Pentium 1.7Ghz
The hyper-pipelined technology doubles the pipeline depth in the Pentium 4 processor, allowing the processor to reach much higher core frequencies. The 400 MHz system bus is a quad-pumped bus running off a 100 MHz system clock making 3.2 GB/sec data transfer rates possible.


Price: Rs. 8,000

Intel celeron 1.2Ghz
The Intel Celeron processor is designed to bring a balanced level of proven technology and value to basic PC desktops. Expect an affordable and reliable PC for home or home office to meet the basic computing needs, such as e-mailing friends and relatives.


Price: Rs. 2,600


AMD Duron1.3GHz Processor
AMD Duron processors are specifically designed to provide an optimised solution for the most demanding value conscious user. Compatible with Microsoft Windows XP.


Price: Rs. 2,000