Saturday, January 11, 2003 |
"I AM helpless, Misery moving on two legs, unable to change anything about my life. That’s my fate." Such laments often come from persons who are all wrapped up in their own selves. Miracles do take place but one has to work hard for them. Thoughts are things, powerful ones at that. And can change anybody’s life. One of the greatest discoveries of our times, according to psychologist William James, is that we can change our life by changing our thoughts. "Crippling" and gloomy thoughts are entertained by persons who are physically or emotionally "diseased." Such breast-beaters, forced with an overriding problem, turn their back to will power and adopt the path of least resistance — wailing and blaming. Beethoven was deaf.
Imagine his tragedy. He could not hear the "deafening"
applause of his appreciative audiences. But he did not turn his back
to self-will and went to win deathless fame. |