One of the important modules of the book deals with ethics and
social responsibility. Both affect business as much as the turns
of the economy, government and legal forces do. With growing
cynicism and sophistication in our society, it is exceedingly
being believed that all things are relative, and that nothing is
absolutely right or wrong. While some might succeed in taking
this situation in their stride for a short duration, the
long-term response of society corrodes the authority of not only
the individual, but also of institutions of long standing.
The module on
Ethics and the Organisation deals with a variety of issues
ranging from the alienation caused by repetitive work,
oppressive authority and invasion of the privacy of the workers.
Herein, the conflict of interest between the organisation and
the individual, too, is dealt with, and emphasis is laid on
insider trading and the responsibilities of the organisation
towards its employees. The chapter on human resource management
is interesting as it makes a distinction between HRM systems
followed in different countries. Marketing and advertising have
also been dealt with, though one wishes the treatment meted out
to these two instruments of business was more comprehensive.
For a general
reader, the ninth module would be of a great interest as it
deals with broader ethical issues in society and also addresses
ecological concerns. The world over it has been found that
balancing business and environmental concerns is a daunting
task. The chapter encompasses subjects as wide ranging as air
pollution, earth’s warming due to human activity and cruelty
to animals. In doing so, the author has used the occasion to
question the ethics of the corporate response to the Kargil War,
when, he alleges, cynical attempts were made to gain leverage
out of the tragedy. Ideally, he contends, such crises should
serve as opportunities for business to re-establish its roots in
society, a role "that must, however, go beyond the narrow
promotion of corporate names, products and brands."