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Monday, November 18, 2002

CITy Beautiful
Vivek Attrey

CHANDIGARH is poised to take off as the technology hub of the region. The inherent qualities of the City Beautiful that make it an ideal city for the knowledge-based industry, are increasingly being recognised.

Micropolitan is a word, which is now increasingly being used for Chandigarh. A city, which has all advantages of metros, minus problems like pollution, overcrowding and large, commuting distance.

This has attracted IT companies. Hi-tech companies are set to enter the city and may offer employment to youth from the city and the region, locally. The ITES sector is particularly suitable to this region as a large number of well educated young persons, who need not necessarily be qualified IT professionals, are available here and can obtain gainful employment in this sector.

E-governance is being implemented by the UT Administration vigorously in all major public dealing Departments, More and more information is being computerised in order to create a backend database which shall be available online to the citizens through a network of information Kiosks. Major public dealing Departments have been taken up on priority. The police, health, education, estate office, excise, licensing and registration, births and deaths registration, are some of them. Forms are available for downloading on the website of the Administration.

A new citizen’s portal is being prepared for online facilities. The Administration is creating a wide area network (WAN) for connecting all offices and kiosks. The collection centres of the electricity department are also being connected with the network. The major offices of the administration, including the UT Secretariat, the DC Office and the MC building have already got a local area network in them.

Chandigarh is now a wired city. With the city’s existing optical fibre backbone network being supplemented by the international gateways of public and private sector companies, connectivity for the IT companies and for residents is set to improve substantially.

The upgradation of institutions in the technical education sector is also being pursued actively.