Declarer found a way to go down in 4S WEST’S 2H overcall made life easy for North and a sensible contract of 4S was reached. Suppose West had been bolder, overcalling 4H. North would still be thinking what to bid! As it happens, declarer found a way to go down in 4S. Would you have avoided his mistake? West cashed two high hearts, then switched to his singleton diamond. It would be poor play to run this card and suffer a ruff. Declarer avoided this ignominy by rising with the ace. He then cashed the king of trumps and continued with the ace of clubs, dropping the king from the South hand, and the queen of clubs, throwing his diamond loser. Declarer now attempted to reach his hand by ruffing a diamond with the 10. West overruffed and declarer still had to lose a heart. One down! A better idea is to cross to the king of clubs at trick 4. You can then ruff your remaining heart with the king and throw the diamond loser on the ace of clubs. West will overruff you when you attempt to reach your hand with a minor-suit ruff but you can afford this now. You will lose only three tricks — two in hearts and one in trumps. — David Bird |