Declarers should have
played a low heart
would you have played 6C on a diamond lead? At both tables of a recent
match the contract was misplayed. The declarers crossed to the ace of
spades and took a successful finesse of the queen of hearts.
They both
played the ace of hearts next and suffered the shock of West ruffing.
One West was bright enough to return a trump and declarer could not then
ruff his remaining heart losers. One down. The other West let declarer
off the hook by playing a diamond. Declarer could then recover the
situation with a crossruff. The line that both declarers missed? When
the queen of hearts won they should have played a low heart! They could
then win the trump switch with the queen and crossruff in the red suits.
After drawing trumps, declarer would be able to claim the slam.
— David Bird