Saturday, October 19, 2002
S T A M P   Q U I Z


1. Identify the stamp.

2. When was it issued?

3. In what denomination was it issued?

4. It was issued to mark which occasion?

5. What is the monetary unit of Tonga?

6. If word TOGA is printed on a stamp, can you tell the name of the country it belongs to?

7. What is a perforation gauge?

Stamp quiz
October 12, 2002
Stamp quiz
October 5, 2002
Stamp quiz
September 28, 2002
Stamp quiz
September 21, 2002
Stamp quiz
September 14, 2002
Stamp quiz
September 7, 2002
Stamp quiz
August 31, 2002
Stamp quiz
August 24, 2002
Stamp quiz
August 17, 2002
Stamp quiz
August 10, 2002
Stamp quiz
August 3, 2002


1. Child reading a book.

2. 28-01-2002.

3. 400 paise.

4. The Year of Books (2001-2002)

5. 1 pa’anga of 100 seniti.

6. Tonga islands in Pacific ocean.

7. A scale printed or designed on metal, plastic, cardboard or other material to measure the number of perforation holes or teeth within the spaceof two centimetres

— NW