West had no escape NORTH’S 3S was an overbid. He had 11 points, yes, but hands with 3-card trump support are worth much less than those with 4-card support. Keen to avoid an endplay, West led the ace of trumps. When he continued with ace and another diamond, declarer won with dummyking and drew two rounds of trumps with the queen and jack. He threw a heart on the diamond queen, ruffed dummy’s last diamond, and drew East’s last trump. When a club was led towards the dummy West could not afford to rise with the king or South would have three club tricks. He played low and dummy’s queen won. Declarer returned to his hand with the ace of clubs and led a third round of clubs. Now West had no escape. On lead with the club king, he had nothing but hearts in his hand. He exited with a low heart and declarer faced his remaining cards, claiming the contract. No doubt North will overbid just the same, next time he holds a similar hand! — David Bird |