Saturday, September 28, 2002
W O R D  P O W E R

Dissension (di’sen’shn): opposition, disagreement.

Synonym — conflict, discord.

Antonym — accord, agreement.

— There is dissension among the proprietors regarding certain issues.

Unpretentious (un’pre’tenshas): without airs

Synonym — humble, unassuming.

Antonym — conceited, pretentious.

— Despite all her achievements, she is completely unpretentious.

Perspicacious (puspi-kayshus): quick to judge or understand.

Synonym — insightful, astute, sharp.

Antonym — dull, dense, obtuse.

— Samantha was perspicacious enough to understand the intentions of her business partner.


(im-puvias): not move or influenced by criticism, requests,etc.

Synonym — unreceptive, inflexible, rigid.

Antonym — amenable, accessible, receptive.

— Their employer is impervious and heartless.

Artful (aat’ful): clever and crafty.

Synonym — cunning, shrewd.

Antonym — ingenuous, artless.

— He so artful that you won’t even get to know when he’s cheated you.

Commemorate (k-mema—rayt): to keep a great event or person in peoplee’s memories.

Synonym — honour, celebrate, solemnise.

Antonym — disregard, overlook, ignore.

— We commemorate Independence Day with elaborate celebrations.


Match the columns


1. Clairaudient

2. Exorcist

3. Hex

4. Mage

5. Necromancer



a. One who expels evil spirits by prayer or other ceremonies.

b. A witch.

c. One who performs black magic.

d. A magician.

e. One with an ability to hear things outside one’s normal range of perception.

Looking back

To blaze a trail is to initiate preparatory work in a movement, cause etc. The word blaze originally meant a white mark on a horse’s or a cow’s face, or made on a tree by chipping the bark to show a route. The expression was an American one for showing a track through a freshly explored area. Later, it came to be used for exploratory and pioneering work in the country.


A restless mind, like a rolling stone, gathers nothing but dirt and mire. Little or no good will cleave to it; and it is sure to leave peace and quietness behind it. — Balguy.

Score card

1 e, 2 a, 3 b, 4 d, 5 c.

— Illa Vij
