Saturday, September 7, 2002
W O R D  P O W E R

Ramshackle (ram’ shakl): almost collapsing

Synonyms — dilapidated, rickety

Antonyms — steady, well built

— His office is in that ramshackle old building.

Truculent (tru kew’lent): bad-tempered

Synonym — aggressive, hostile

Antonym — amiable, agreeable

— His truculent behaviour at the wedding ceremony was very embarrassing.

Impoverished (im’poverished): poor

Synonym — indigent, penurious

Antonym — affluent, wealthy

— The impoverished slum dwellers need immediate help.

Perfidy (pufidi): treachery

Synonym — betrayal, disloyalty

Antonym — faithfulness, loyalty


— His perfidy and plans to forge the manager’s signatures have come as a shock to all the bank employees.

Stalwart (stawl-wut): loyal and reliable even in difficult times

Synonym — resolute, committed

Antonym — weak, irresolute

Henry is one of the stalwarts of their political party.

Resplendent (risplendent): bright and colourful

Synonym — brilliant, splendid

Antonym — dull, gloomy

— Her resplendent dress fetched many compliments at the party.


Match the gender

Masculine         Feminine

1. Bear             a heifer

2. Boar             b belle

3. Bullock          c tsarina

4. Colt              d mar- chioness

5. Marquis         e sow

6. Tsar             f filly

Looking back

To scalp means to take a person to task for an error (especially when a superior admonishes a subordinate). The Red Indians used to collect the scalps, with the hair on it, of the enemies they captured or killed. They did this to prove their strength or victory in a battle.


The greatest prayer is patience.

— Buddha

Score card
1b, 2e, 3a, 4f, 5d, 6c

— Illa Vij
