Saturday, August 31, 2002
W O R D  P O W E R

Auxiliary (aug’zilari): giving help or support.

Synonyms: supporting, assisting, supplementary

Antonyms: cardinal, chief, essential

We have an auxiliary medical staff in case of an emergency.

Avarice (avaris): extreme desire for wealth or some other gains

Synonyms: Greed, acquisitiveness

Antonyms: generosity, unselfishness, benevolence

His avarice and greed can never be satisfied.

Chronological (Kronno’ lojikl): arranged in order in which they occurred

Synonyms: in order, sequential

Antonyms: haphazard, random

Here’s a chronological list of his conquests.


(Disolewt): expressing happiness over harmful or immoral behaviour.

Synonyms: depraved, immoral, degenerate

Antonyms: chaste, moral, upright

He hasn’t realised that his dissolute life will only lead him to misery.

Puny (Pewny): small and weak

Synonyms: feeble, frail, tiny

Antonyms: brawny, healthy, strong

The puny little kitten could hardly stand.


Name the famous men and women who have been given these distinctive titles:

1. The Little Corporal

2. The Beloved Disciple

3. The Bard of Avon

4. The Blind Poet

5. The Maid of Orleans

6. The Faultless Painter

Looking back

On the rocks means to be in extreme difficulty or on the verge of ruin, especially in money matters. The allusion is to a ship that has been wrecked.


O’ what a tangled web we weave, when first we practise to deceive

— Walter Scott

Score card

Napoleon Bonaparte, St. John, William Shakespeare, John Milton, Joan of Arc, Andrea del Sarto.

— Illa Vij
