Saturday, August 10, 2002
W O R D  P O W E R

Pugnacious (pug’ nay’ shus): eager to quarrel

Synonyms — bellicose, belligerent

Antonyms — placid, calm

— He is so pugnacious that his classmates don’t want to socialise with him.

Guile (gail): clever and deceitful behaviour

Synonyms — craftiness, slyly, wiliness

Antonyms — candour, sincerity

— She’s full of guile and I cannot trust her anymore.

Fortify (fortifai): make stronger

Synonyms — reinforce, brace, strengthen

Antonyms— debilitate, weaken

— They have enough woollen clothes to fortify themselves against the harsh weather.


(pro’ pen’ sity): a tendency to do something

Synonyms — susceptibility, proclivity, inclination

Antonyms — aversion, disinclination

— She has a propensity for telling lies.

Clemency (kle’ mency): compassion and kindness

Synonyms — mercy, leniency, forbearance

Antonyms — severity, harshness

— She’s appealed to the judge for clemency.

Pandemonium (pande’ munium): wild and noisy disorder

Synonyms — commotion, chaos

Antonyms — peacefulness, tranquility

— Pandemonium broke out as soon as the news of the assassination was announced.


Complete the following similes.

1 As active as —

2 As afraid as a —

3 As ageless as the —

4 As far apart as the —

5 As black as —

6 As boundless as the —

Looking back

The seventh heaven of delight indicates bliss and ecstasy. The allusion is to the seven heavens of which in Jewish hagiology the seventh and the highest is the abode of God and the most exalted angels. Even the people of some other religions believe that the seventh heaven is the abode of God.


A bad man is worse when he pretends to be a saint.


Score card

Quicksilver, grasshopper, sun, poles, ebony, ocean

— Illa Vij
