Dreaming of wealth The greatest wealth is to live content with little, for there is never want where the mind is satisfied. — Lucretius ALTHOUGH most people associate money with wealth and riches, the concept of wealth may itself differ from person to person. To some wealth may mean antiques, to some money and jewellery, while to others, it could mean property. But to most it is all these things put together. According to Indian thought, to see yourself rich is a bad omen for it foretells just the opposite happening in real life. You shall face poverty and penury. Should you see others enjoying riches while you are living in poverty then you shall soon gain financially from the good actions of others. As per western thought,
to dream that you possess a lot of wealth foretells that problems and
obstacles shall obstruct your path, but also that you shall be ready
to face them with grit. You shall, thus, be able to overcome them and
prove to be successful. To see others wealthy foretells that you shall
have rich friends who shall come to your aid during difficult times.
For a young person to dream of being associated with a person of the
opposite sex foretells that he or she has high aspirations and shall
be able to get help from someone to achieve his or her goals. |
You might have gone through a difficult period, and put in a lot of effort and only now achieved what you had set out to. Wealth and status usually go together, so when you have doubts about your status in real life then you could have dreams associated with wealth. It also denotes your ability to be able to achieve a lot in your life should you work towards it. In most cases such dreams are simply wish-fulfillment dreams. A 62-year-old man
sometimes dreamt of suddenly getting possession of a great amount of
wealth. His lifestyle, home, way of dressing, everything changes, and he
and his family live in the lap of luxury. This dream was associated with
the conditions prevailing in his family. He had retired and his sons
were not well settled. The feeling of financial insecurity lead to the
recurrence of this dream, for he felt only some miracle could change the
financial condition of his family. It is a wish-fulfillment dream. |