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Monday, July 15, 2002
Dr Tribune

Q I have Pentium III, 500 MHz, Intel 810 chipset motherboard, 128 MB RAM, 20 GB hard disk, 1.44 FDD, 52x CD ROM, Motorola internal modem, having Windows '98 second edition. My problem is whenever I start my computer, after booting I get a message: Windows do not detect a mouse attached to the computer. Then the computer works as if there is no mouse attached to computer and I only work with the keyboard. Sometimes when I start my computer, I do not get any message and my mouse works properly. After working on computer for sometime my mouse stops working and the keyboard also does not work. In case, I get a message of mouse not attached in the starting of Windows, my keyboard works properly without mouse being functional. I have checked out for loose connections but none was found. Please help me.

— Manish Soi, Patiala

A There could be some problem in the motherboard of your computer. Try installing the mouse on another serial port. If the mouse works there, you can safely assume that the problem is particular the faulty port. The second solution to this problem could be loading the failsafe settings in the BIOS feature setup as sometimes some devices are either wrongly configured or are disabled in the BIOS, which may cause this kind of problem. Thus loading the failsafe default could be the first step to troubleshoot this problem. However, if this does not work, then may need to get your motherboard checked.

Q I want to know how can we increase swap file page size as you have mentioned many times in your column to increase it. But I could not follow proper method. My second query is that how can we create shortcut on desktop without using the mouse, that is through the keyboard shortcuts. Is there any software in the market to create shortcut. My third question is that does formatting of hard disk create bad sectors in hard disk. Last question is that my hard disk makes much noise on reading data. Is it possible that this hard disk crashes in near future? How can I prevent my hard disk from crashing? Sir, I'll be thankful if you solve my problems.

Sukhdev Kumar, Hisar, (Haryana)

A Please mention the operating system loaded present on your system as the steps involved in changing the Swap file size is little different in different operating systems. Regarding your second query, mouse is a must for using the short cuts. In any case you would require mouse to click on the desktop, even if you create shortcut without using the mouse. A majority of the programs create shortcut on the desktop while in some cases, you can create a shortcut under the properties sub menu. Regarding your third query it is wrong that formatting a hard disk could create bad sectors. It is not true. Regarding your last question about the noise coming from the hard disk while accessing data is quite normal, normally it does not mean that the hard disk could crash due to noise. However, for the sake of precaution you should make sure that the hard disk is mounted correctly in the system and aligned properly as wrong alignment could create more noise and also cause bad sectors due to bad alignment of the hard disk.

Q I use Windows XP professional edition. Recently, whenever I click on search, I get an error "a file required to run search companion cannot be found. You may need to run set up." After that search window opens up with only a dog and no place to write search text. Please help me.

Manan Bajoria, Karnal

A In order to solve this problem, first of all use Windows Explorer to browse to %systemroot%\ inf folder and then right-click the Srchasst.inf file and press Install. This will solve your problem.

Q I have Pentium III 1.1 GHz, 40 GB hard disk, 128 MB RAM, internal modem Motorola SM 56 PCI configuration. My OS is Windows XP. Since last 3 to 4 weeks, I face a strange problem with my computer. It's not opening my Hotmail account whereas it opens up easily on my friends computer who uses Windows '98 as OS. Some of my friends say the problem is due to XP. But it used to work very well earlier and my MSN messenger works extremely well even now. What could be the problem and how could it be solved.


A In order to solve this problem, try changing your browser through which you are accessing the Hotmail account. I do not see any other reason for this problem.

Q How can I send files that are more than 5 MB through e-mail? I will be thankful to you for your answer.

Rajan Bakshi

A There could be two ways of delivering large data over the Internet. If you wish to send it by e-mail, then you can try using the POP mail account and not Web-based e-mails. Normally, Web-based e-mails have the restriction of file size. However, the other way of sending the data is to use FTP. For sending the data through e-mail, use your ISP's e-mail facility and make sure that the person whom you are sending the file has his inbox empty.

Q My friend and me want to connect our PCs using dial-up server. Please help us to do this. Our configuration is P III, dual boot system (Win '98 and 2000). Also tell us that how to increase the speed of Hyper Terminal. Please mail the solution.

Kuldeep Singh

A Using the dial up networking you can connect your PCs in many ways. For example, the easiest way to connect is through the Hyper Terminal or even the good old Procom Plus. These are good programs to connect using dial up. However, in this case you can only transfer the files from one computer to another. The next good way is to make a virtual private network and connect two or more computers. However, there are problems involved in setting up such services. The best solution is to connect through some excellent third party software like PC Anywhere etc. There are software available on the Internet, which you can download easily. These software may provide the exact solution to the problem and would also allow the remote administration, which means you can control your friend's PC from your desktop, you can even view his screen and use mouse and keyboard on the remote computer. These are the best programs for connecting two PCs using dial up networking. Regarding increasing the speed of hyper terminal, I would like to say that there is nothing like increasing the speed of Hyper Terminal and you can only optimise your dial up account, through which you connect under Hyper Terminal.

Q I have P-4, 1.6 GHz, 256 MB RAM, 40 GB HD without partition, OS Win XP Professional. Since last two days I am facing a problem. Whenever I go to IE 6, it opens up but link file doesn't open and gives a blank screen. I have run window updates but nothing happens. Also I didn't find scan disk in system tools. I am not an expert but know a little. Please help me at the earliest.

Anil Jaidka, Canada

A Try cleaning your Internet Explorer of all junk files including the cache and other temporary Internet files. Also clear the history in the operating system. This will help in solving your problem. However, you should also make sure that your browser is configured to work online. I hope these solutions would solve your problem. Regarding your second query, Scandisk is not a part of Windows XP - instead you get the improved CHKDSK. You can use the Error-checking tool to check for file system errors and bad sectors on your hard disk. For using this utility 1: Open My Computer, and then select the local disk you want to check. 2: On the File menu, click Properties. 3: On the Tools tab, under Error-checking, click Check Now. 4: Under Check disk options select the Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors check box.

Q My system configuration is as follows: Pentium III, 833 MHz, 815 Intel MB, 64 MB RAM, 20 GB HDD (without partition, 3 GB used & 17 GB free). I have installed Windows 2000 Professional and Windows '98 SE as OS. (I get a Bootup Menu at Startup). My first problem is that I want to run Scandisk in Windows '98 and subsequently want to defragment the hard disk. But on clicking the start button in scandisk window, I get the following message: "Scandisk could not continue because your computer does not have enough available memory. If any other programs are running, quit one or more of them, and try running ScanDisk again." I close some programs running in system tray and try again but get the same message again. I even removed programs from 'Add remove programs' in order to get free space on HDD but this could also not solve the problem. Secondly, whenever I click on System Information in System tools in Accessories in Windows '98, I get a message "A required .DLL file , MFC42U.dll ,was not found ". I have tried to load System tools from Windows 98 CD through Windows Setup Tab in 'Add Remove Programs', but this could also not solve my problem. Thirdly in Windows '98, I deleted all users, but I am still getting logon window at the start up. I want to know the method to remove it (I know you have told this earlier also, but I could not retain that particular issue of Login Tribune)

Balpreet Singh

A Regarding your first problem related to the error message while running scan disk, it can occur if you are running Windows on a hard disk that is larger than 8 gigabytes (GB) in size and has a cluster size less than 8 kilobytes (KB). This configuration may be created if you use a third-party disk tool to create a partition on a hard disk that is larger than 8 GB and has a cluster size less than 8 KB. This problem can be solved by using software by a third party hard disk tool for an update. You can try programs like Partition magic etc. to correct the cluster size and thus solve the problem. Regarding your second problem you can download the required .dll file from the Internet or from the Windows '98 CD. Then you should place in the destination directory. Regarding your third query, you should also open the password menu in the Control Panel. After removing all users, leave the password box blank and click OK. Also in the network properties, choose Windows Logon instead of client for Microsoft networks. This will solve your problem.

Q I have a P-4 computer system, mercury Intel 845 chipset motherboard, Riva TNT 32 MB AGP, 128 MB RAM and Conexant soft 56 k modem with Windows '98 as OS. I have some problems: 1. I want to make a direct cable connection with another Celeron computer by using parallel cable. When I connect the two by using parallel cable and start direct cable connection wizard, I make my Pentium computer as host. Then it tries to check communication between them and after sometime it gives a message "is the second computer is on," while other one is in Windows. After giving this message it doesn't give any response. 2. Regarding my second problem when I use my BSNL connection to connect to the Internet, it doesn't give any response in automatic dialling but connects when I dial manually to connect. After that it gives poor performance and shows just 2800 bytes per second. On the other hand it connects to my Satyam connection automatically and gives a good speed about 33, 000 bytes per second. 3. How can I configure my Hotmail account in Outlook Express? Please tell me is it SMTP and POP3 mail server addresses? Is it free of cost? 4. I have Windows '98 in C: drive and Linux 7.2 installed on non-DOS partition. It had automatically loaded my sound driver and shows it in it's configuration box but sound doesn't work. It gives a message "requested sampling rate doesn't match."

Sachin Kansal, Kalayat

A Regarding your first problem, please make sure that you have made the other computer as guest computer. For direct cable connection, it is very important to make one computer a host and the other computer guest. Second important point is to use the same connection type in both computers if you are connecting through parallel port then it has to be same in both computers. Third important point is that if you have any password enabled for logging on to Windows, then bypassing the password would not let the connection be established. Thus give the password correctly. Also you should make sure that you should have same settings in both the computers and you should use Windows Logon instead of Client for Microsoft networks. I hope these points will solve your problem. Regarding your second problem, you should check out the properties of the Internet connection. I think it is set to a very low Baud rate, because of which it is giving this problem. Set the baud rate to optimum and this will solve your problem. Regarding the problem of connecting, try reloading the dialler after uninstalling it. Otherwise you can also create a dial up connection under the dial up networking and use it for connecting to the Internet. Regaring your query related to the Hotmail account in Outlook Express, it is a default feature in the Outlook feature and you need not remember the SMTP and POP3 address of Hotmail. All you need to do is start with making or adding a new account and when it asks you for the details of your e-mail account or create a new Hotmail account. Follow the instructions and the Hotmail account would be created easily.