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Monday, July 15, 2002

Making Windows more efficient
Raman Mohan

THOUGH Windows versions continue to be popular all over the world, there is no dearth of programmers who keep writing programs to make it and its components like the IE more efficient by adding to it a few handy features or by simplifying the otherwise cumbersome procedures inbuilt in it. This fortnight we feature two programs that perform both these tasks and make working on your computer so much easier.

Start-up Delayer

When Windows loads its start-up file, it attempts to load every program at the same time. If you have a heap of programs starting, each program will try and grab the CPU at the same time! If each program tries to load at the same time, a great slow-down occurs as your CPU tries to help each one. Start-up Delayer allows programs to start in a more orderly fashion by setting how many seconds after Windows has started to load each program. The result is that you gain control of the system much faster and the program that was launched will launch faster as it does not have to share the CPU with other programs. For example - suppose a mail program and virus scanner that start-up when Windows starts. Using Start-up Delayer, have the mail program start at 10 seconds after Windows start-up. Then set the virus scanner to start at 20 seconds after Windows start-up. Now each program will start up on its own instead of all at once, enabling a smoother and speedier start up. When you open the program for the first time, it shows you a window. At the top of the window is the menu system having all the available commands. Under the menu system is the tool bar providing quick access buttons to commonly used commands. Under the tool bar is the filter. The lists of applications that are under the filter are all applications that start up when Windows starts. Under the program list is the Time Graph giving you a visual display of when each program is launching. To give Start-up Delayer control over a program, either double-click the program in the list view or select it, and go to the File menu. Click 'Edit'. You are then informed that the program is currently controlled by Windows® and you are asked if you would like Start-up Delayer to control it instead. If you click 'Yes', you are presented with the 'Edit Program' dialog. Confirm the applications parameters and set its 'Launch Delay'. Once you are done, click the 'Save' button and the program's icon changes appropriately. Download available from www.r2.com.au


WebMon is a freeware Web page monitoring program - it saves you time and keeps you updated by automatically checking Web pages to see if they have changed. Some of its features include: Checking an unlimited number of Web pages, scheduling automatic checking at set intervals, optional pop-up alerts and sounds when updates are found, selecting which part of the Web page to check, update logging, proxy support with authentication, unintrusive tray icon when minimized and importing IE favourites and Netscape bookmarks. Adding a new Web page to the list of pages being checked can be achieved in a number of ways: Click the "Add Web page" button on the toolbar, select the "Add new..." item from the "Page" menu, right-click on an existing page and select the "Add new..." item or the keyboard shortcut <Ctrl>+N. A window appears allowing you to enter the address of the Web page you wish to monitor. Each Web page has an associated icon, indicating its status. When an update is found, a pop-up alert can appear on the screen. Click the pop-up to open the updated Web page and right-click to close the pop-up without opening the Web page. If there appears to be many pop-up notifications, holding down the shift key while clicking will open all the queued pop-ups at once and holding down shift with right clicking will close all the pop-ups in the queue. Download available from www.markwell.btinternet.co.uk/webmon