Saturday, July 6, 2002 |
Synonyms surrender, concede, yield Antonyms unbending, unyielding My father finally relented and allowed us to go for a late night movie. Sombre (somber) dark in colour; dull and gloomy Synonyms dismal, drab, melancholy Antonyms cheerful, bright, lively Yesterday was a sombre day and I longed for some cheerful company. Puritanical (peur-i-tannikal) having or involving very strict moral values Synonyms austere, prudish, severe Antonyms liberal, permissive, indulgent My parents are
extremely puritanical and I wont be allowed to attend this party. |
Synonyms dissipated, squandered, wasted Antonyms fruitful, worthwhile Yours has been a misspent youth and there is so much that you could have achieved. Languish (lang-gwish) to weaken or fail to progress Synonyms decline, droop, wither Antonyms bloom, prosper, thrive The economy of our country is languishing. Equivocal (e-kwivo kal) not clear or definite in meaning or intention. Synonyms ambiguous, indefinite, ambivalent Antonyms clear, certain, decisive Most politicians give equivocal answers to press reporters. Discover Match the columns to discover some distinctive names given to some countries. A B 1. Scotland a. The land of the Golden Fleece 2. Australia b. The Emerald Isle 3. Trinidad c. The land of Oat Cakes 4. Denmark d. The Isles of Springs 5. Ireland e. The mother-in-law of Europe 6. Jamaica f. The land of the Humming Bird Looking back Derrick is a large crane used for lifting or moving heavy weights, especially on a ship. In the 17th century an English hangman named Derrick hoisted some notorious criminals to their death. Ponder Night brings out stars, as sorrows show us truths. Bailey Score card 1c, 2a, 3f, 4e, 5b, 6d Illa Vij |