Saturday, July 6, 2002 |
GOTHAM city skyline; Sunset; autumn: Gothic towers of granite and glass shimmer golden in the late day sun. A crime wave has swept Gotham since someone escaped unnoticed, leaving its citizens with just one last hope - Batman." At every scene of crime,
the detectives have found no clue, except a number card. Bruce Wayne,
meanwhile, has been getting similar cards at his address over the past
few days. BRUCE: "The letters I'm getting match those found at the
crime sites. Why would anyone be sending me these riddles?" Bruce
is standing before the city map in the Bat Cave when Alfred enters with
horror written on his face. ALFRED: "They took away Master Richard.
What if they find out that he is Robin; they'll kill him and know your
secret. The thugs left this number card for you." |
BRUCE: "Claw Island. Nygma's headquarters. I'm sure that's where they're keeping Robin." Batman flies in through a window, kicking a row of thugs down before he lets go his rope and lands on the floor. EDWARD (The Riddler): "Bruce, babe, I gotta be honest. My entrance was good. Your was better." A huge thug charges at Batman. Batman heaves him overhead, throws him, crashing, into a display of stacked boxes. RIDDLER: "Riddle me this, where could I have kept your sidekick?" Presses a switch, revealing Robin in a glass cage, with a time bomb ticking at his chest. The door has two knobs, labelled "left" and "right". RIDDLER: "Now, riddle me that, a weight of 11,111 g is placed on the right hand plate of a balance. Someone places weights on the two plates of the balance; the first weight is 1 g; and each successive weight is twice as heavy as the previous one. At some moment, the two plates are in equilibrium. Where was the 16 g weight placed (on the left or on the right)?" Will Batman be able to solve the riddle or is it the end of Robin. Calling Batman; solve the riddle and save Robin. Write at The Tribune or — Aditya Rishi